students in a lab (c) UCR CNAS

Hands-On Experience. World-Renowned Scientists.

Research Excellence
acres and more serve as a real-life laboratory for plant research
alumni and counting making a difference
Nobel Laureates and 18 National Academies members on the faculty
Undergraduate Students



Graduate Student in Lab



CNAS Science News

A beach
New data science tool greatly speeds up molecular analysis of our environment
UC Riverside-led team developed the tool through an international virtual research group
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scientist injecting plant
Stopping plants from passing viruses to their progeny
Scientists have learned how plants keep viruses from being passed to their offspring, a finding that could ensure healthier crops. The discovery could also help reduce the transmission of diseases from mothers to human children.
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cheers with beer
Century-old experiment secures beer and whiskey’s future
Thanks to an experiment started before the Great Depression, researchers have pinpointed the genes behind the remarkable adaptability of barley, a key ingredient in beer and whiskey. These insights could ensure the crop’s continued survival amidst rapid climate change. 
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Smoke above UCR campus
Q&A: What, exactly, is going up in flames?
Several Southern California communities are being hit with smoke from the huge Line Fire in the San Bernardino Mountains. UC Riverside experts on environmental pollution describe what we’re breathing.
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A Message from Interim Dean Peter Atkinson

On behalf of the faculty, staff, and students from the College of Natural & Agricultural Sciences at UC Riverside, I welcome you to our college and campus.


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CNAS Events

Inside UCR

Seal of the US Department of Energy
UCR physicists receive DOE grants as early career scientists
Miguel Arratia and Shawn Westerdale have each been awarded $875,000 over five years
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LIGO Observatories
NSF funds instrumentation in lab linked to LIGO research
Physicist Jon Richardson is grant’s principal investigator
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Alumni win over $300K in 2024-25 awards through CUREL
With the help of the Center for Undergraduate Research and Engaged Learning, or CUREL, recent graduates of UC Riverside racked up over $300,000 worth of funding for the 2024-25 academic year to pursue their studies and research.
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Campus view of bell tower
Junior faculty honored for being outstanding teachers
Four faculty recognized by UCR’s Academy of Distinguished Teaching
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